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Top Ten Feel Better Moments

Kate Morgan


Top Ten Feel Better Moments.  Our Top 10 feel better moments are for when the world around you is whirling and swirling. If you’re spinning plates and juggling balls all the time it can be really hard to justify much time out of your day just for you.

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Phytonutrients - why it's good to eat the rainbow

Phytonutrients - why it's good to eat the rainbow



Natural compounds called phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, are componentsof plants that are powerful defenders of health. Studies show that people whoeat more plant foods have reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Studies have also shown that eating more plant foods is associated with better brain health and lower inflammation.
Meet the team - Caroline

Meet the team - Caroline



If you stock Nourish you've probably met Caroline in person, or virtually. Caroline is the first point of contact for sales, dealing with wholesalers and direct stockists alike, it's a busy role but her sunny nature means she makes the juggle look easy (and with 3 kids, and her own successful photography business, Fable Photography she knows how to juggle well!).
Why we use, and love, coconut in our products

Why we use, and love, coconut in our products



We frequently get questioned around fat and calorie content of coconut and coconut oil due to articles you can find about this. However, Coconut is truly a super food and is so rich in nutrients that including it as part of your balanced daily diet can be extremely beneficial for your health.
Homage to Hebe!

Homage to Hebe!



This summer we've been lucky enough to have Hebe interning with us at Nourish. As a nutrition student time spent in the food industry is a valuable experience, but it's been valuable to us too to have a fresh pair of eyes, a willing pair of hands and we've loved having Hebe with us this summer!
Meet the team - Sarah

Meet the team - Sarah



Over the Summer we are taking time to introduce you to our brilliant Nourish team! Up next is Sarah, who is part of our production team. Sarah also makes our products happen, seeing them each go from concept to being sent out ready for purchase! She’s got a great eye for detail, works hard and brings the joy to the kitchen every day!
How Nourish went from a seed of an idea to Nourishing the Nation - part 2

How Nourish went from a seed of an idea to Nourishing the Nation - part 2



This year I have been delighted to start studying Functional Medicine, it's not been easy fitting it in, but it means a lot to me to have done it. I completed my Advanced Functional medicine practitioner training in April. Find out more....
