This summer we've been lucky enough to have Hebe interning with us at Nourish. As a nutrition student time spent in the food industry is a valuable experience, but it's been valuable to us too to have a fresh pair of eyes, a willing pair of hands and we've loved having Hebe with us this summer! We hope you enjoy finding out more about what Hebe got up to below.

My experience interning at Nourish

I can’t believe how quickly the past 2 months have gone – it has completely flown by! But I have officially come to the end of my summer internship with Nourish.

Over the last 7-8 weeks, I have been involved with so many aspects of what happens day-to-day at Nourish HQ and have had the pleasure of working alongside an amazing team of people.

I’ve worked alongside Bex, dispatching orders and keeping the office organised; I’ve brainstormed with Caroline about where else our products would be a great fit to be served/stocked; I’ve helped Sarah and Iz in the kitchen, making products from scratch and packaging them; I’ve worked with Kate on marketing, website and social media content; and I’ve also taken regular trips into different stores for samplings for customers. It’s been massively varied, and I’ve learnt so much from each team member – thank you all!

Some particular highlights of my time at Nourish include:

- Working on the Water for Good E-Cookbook – this was such a rewarding project to work on with Kate, and I think it turned out great! It’s full of beautiful recipes from friends of the brand, and 100% of the proceeds are gifted to Water for Good to help fund a well to be built in the Central African Republic.

- Seeing first-hand how each of the products goes from raw, organic, simple ingredients to become delicious macaroons and bars. I was amazed to see how fresh the passion fruit that does into the Passion Fruit Macaroons is – it is literally scooped straight from organic passion fruits into the mix with other ingredients!

- Being totally spoiled by the team on my birthday. I received cards and gifts from the team, and Ineke’s daughter made the most DELICIOUS vegan ice cream for us all to share. It was so kind!

Overall, my internship with Nourish has been a total joy and I’m grateful to be heading back up to Liverpool for the final year of my Nutrition degree with more experience and understanding of the food industry, as well as some more friends down here! Ineke has created an incredible company in Nourish – they really do stay true to their values of being transparent, having integrity, and doing the right thing for people and the environment, even when it’s not the easy option!

I’m looking forward to seeing Nourish continue to grow and develop in the coming months and years - and being part of that wherever I can.

Hebe x

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behind the brand, Lifestyle, internship, meet the team, people of nourish, Team, teamwork


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