If you stock Nourish you've probably met Caroline in person, or virtually. Caroline is the first point of contact for sales, dealing with wholesalers and direct stockists alike, it's a busy role but her sunny nature means she makes the juggle look easy (and with 3 kids, and her own successful photography business, Fable Photography she knows how to juggle well!). Thinking of stocking us? Get in touch with Caroline here

Caroline, sales manager at Nourish

Tell us about what you do day-to-day at Nourish.

I liaise with existing customers supporting them with any queries they have, keeping them up to date with new products and information.  I work closely with Kate as we love to support our customers, no matter how large or small with marketing both instore and online.  A large part of my role is reaching out to new customers, letting them know about us and looking at ways we can work together.

What’s your favourite part of your job (/working at Nourish)?

Working with a great team who make me smile each and every day and forming relationships with our customers and taste testing!.  I also love that it’s local which allows me to balance work and family life.

How would you describe your job role in 3 words?

Interesting, varied, sociable.

How would your colleagues describe you in 3 words?

Helpful, easy going, friendly.

What energises you at work?

Helping to spread the word about Nourish, our range of products, our values and ethos.  I love that we are a company who cares about healthy eating, wellness and the planet, it’s great that we are working towards becoming a B-Corp business and support Water for Good.

What would we find you doing on your days off?

Hanging out with my three children and husband, catching up with friends, grabbing my camera and taking photos, walking and where possible visiting the sea, my favourite place to be and I really love sitting down with a good book.

Which is your favourite Nourish product?

Raspbounty Bar! 

Nourish Raspbounty Bar staff pick


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