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Top Ten Feel Better Moments

Kate Morgan


Top Ten Feel Better Moments.  Our Top 10 feel better moments are for when the world around you is whirling and swirling. If you’re spinning plates and juggling balls all the time it can be really hard to justify much time out of your day just for you.

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Protein… where can we get it in our diets?

Protein… where can we get it in our diets?



Protein… where can we get it in our diets? Protein as we discussed HERE is an essential part of our diet. When you eat protein it is broken down into amino acids. Amino Acids are essential for so many functions in the body. There are 20 amino acids that the body needs. However, only 9 are considered essential to get from your food. These include – Valine, Threonine, Tryptophan, methionine, Isoleucine Lysine, Histidine, Phenylalanine and Leucine Importantly, quality matters! Not all protein is the same, just like not all fat...

Why do we need protein and how much?

Why do we need protein and how much?



Protein is a buzz word in the food industry these days as well as amongst sports enthusiasts, but why we need it and how much is a question that often comes up when we talk about it. Protein plays an essential role in the body and is vital for staying healthy.
Omega 3 How do I get this essential nutrient?

Omega 3 How do I get this essential nutrient?



Omega 3 is essential for your body and your diet. Read HERE to find out more about all the areas/functions in the body Omega 3 is important for. One of the easiest ways to get Omega 3 is through eating wild caught cold-water fish at least two times a week. Some of the seafood/fish that have the highest amounts of Omega 3 include, 
Why do we need Omega 3?

Why do we need Omega 3?


Omega-3 fatty acids help all the cells in the body function as they should. They help to provide structure and interactions between cells. They are particularly concentrated in high levels in the cells you find in your eyes and brain.
Why is fibre important for gut health Part 3

Why is fibre important for gut health Part 3



Why is Fibre important for your Gut Health? Part 3 Dietary fibres, starches, and prebiotics work together to support a healthy gut ecosystem. We have delved into Dietary fibres HERE and prebiotic fibre HERE. In this short blog we start the conversation of starches and its role in Gut Health. Not all starch is equal. Refined starches which you find in most packaged pre-made food incl. bread, crackers and many other store ready food, cause blood sugar spikes, weight gain and can do the opposite of diversifying and feeding good...

5 reasons to include Matcha in your diet

5 reasons to include Matcha in your diet



Matcha has gained popularity in the recent years, and it no surprise as to why with many studies backing the nutritional qualities of incorporating matcha into your diet. Matcha is a special form of green tea. It is different most noticeably due to how it's grown. 20 days before it is due to be harvested, matcha bushes are covered up shielding the leaves from the direct sunlight. 
