Almond Milk Recipe


Almond Milk Recipe

1 Servings

12 Hours 20 Mins


 Almond milk is a breeze to make at home and is so easy that if you want to avoid any of the extras that sometimes appear in shop bought versions, such as binders and thickeners, then making your own is the way to go. You’ll find it tastes creamier than the commercially made versions. Almonds are packed full of Vitamin E, which your skin loves, so give it a treat and try making your own almond milk today!

1 cup almonds

Filtered water

Pinch salt

1/4 tsp vanilla powder

2 dates (optional)

Soak almonds for 12 hours. Rinse thoroughly and drain.

Place in blender along with 3 cups of filtered water, salt, vanilla powder and dates, if desired.

Blend for 45-90 seconds (depending on the strength of your blender, in a Vitamix 45-60 seconds will be ample, whereas a slower blender will be closer to 90 seconds).

Pour into a muslin lined sieve over a bowl or into a nut milk bag, then strain well. Stores in fridge for 2 days.

Almond Milk is a great, essential product to have available for making delicious smoothies, raw cakes, or over breakfast.

NOTES – Whilst the dates add sweetness to the almond milk, giving it a lovely flavour, but this is optional. You can alternatively use maple syrup or raw honey too, or nothing at all. The vanilla powder also adds a natural sweetness to it. 

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