Roast Beetroot and Walnut Salad

Soups and Salads

Roast Beetroot and Walnut Salad

4 Servings

1 Hour

At this time of the year we tend to have a bit of a glut of the beautiful beetroot from the garden, but what a glorious glut to have! Beetroot is absolutely packed full of goodness, is low in fat, full of vitamins and minerals and packed with powerful antioxidants, it’s a veritable a health-food titan.

3 medium beetroot

2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

1 Tbsp coconut oil or olive oil

1/2 Tbsp coconut sugar (optional, this helps to caramelise the beetroot)


1/4 cup walnuts

2 small handfuls of watercress or rocket

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

Peel the beetroot and cut into wedges. Place inside an oven dish, such as a stone or baking dish. Measure in the balsamic vinegar, oil and coconut sugar along with a good pinch of salt and fresh ground pepper. Toss to combine all the ingredients.

Place in the oven and cook for 30-45 minutes, turning a couple of times during cooking. The length of cooking time depends on your oven type and how fresh the beetroot are. When they are just tender add in the walnuts and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly.

To serve arrange the watercress or rocket onto a serving platter and place the beetroot wedges and walnuts over the top. If desired, dress the salad with the following dressing –

1/2 Tbsp good quality balsamic

1/2 Tbsp maple syrup

Mix together and drizzle over the salad.

Optional – Goats feta is a nice addition to crumble over this salad.


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