Why Nourish products are gluten free.
During Coeliac Awareness week we thought it's a good time to explain why Nourish products are gluten free.
‘I’m gluten free’, a phrase that we’ve heard more and more over the past 10 years. Where once being gluten free was seen as the sign of a fussy eater, today we understand that there is a real and vital need for some to follow this way of eating.
As a Company we produce entirely gluten free products. We don’t do this because it’s a trend but because Ineke, our Founder, found that a gluten free diet was right for her own health. With many friends affected by Coeliac disease Ineke wanted to create a range of snacks. Ones that she and others could enjoy without worrying about any side effects. Nourish products are strictly gluten free because we want, and need them to be. Maintaining a healthy approach to your diet is imperative. We believe that eating a clean, wholefoods, mainly organic diet with minimal processed foods, is a good place to start.
What is gluten?
Gluten is a type of protein that is found in grains, such as wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is responsible for giving foods elasticity and providing a chewy texture. It is also often added to other foods to modify the stability and structure of products. Such as salad dressings, condiments and deli meats. It is because of its addition to many foods that we are seeing increased sensitivities to gluten. For many of us it is beneficial to decrease our intake overall. Also buy minimally processed and organic food if you do have gluten in your diet.

How do I know if I’m sensitive to gluten?
Gluten intolerance or sensitivity is different to Coeliac disease and typically causes a range of issues. Gluten intolerance can affect almost every cell, tissue and system in the body since the bacteria that populate the gut. It can help control everything from nutrient absorption and hormone production to metabolic function and cognitive processes. Find out more here in this YouTube video from Dr Josh Axe. Talk to your GP and/or nutritional therapist in the first instance if you believe you could have an issue with gluten. The online assessment at Coeliac UK is also a useful resource and good place to start if you want to learn more.
What is Coeliac disease?
Coeliac disease is common and affects 1 in 100 people. Yet it remains undiagnosed in all but 30% of the population. It is frequently misdiagnosed as IBS and can only be properly diagnosed with a blood test and possible further testing. In order for coeliac disease to be diagnosed with this blood test, there must be gluten in the diet. So, wait until you have been tested before making changes to ensure you are diagnosed correctly.
Coeliac disease is not an allergy or a food intolerance.
Coeliac disease is a serious illness that causes the body’s immune system to attack its own tissues when gluten is consumed. This attack causes damage to the lining of the stomach. It also prevents the body from absorbing nutrients properly from the food that you eat.

Following a gluten free diet.
Following a gluten free diet no longer has to be tricky. Retailers, producers and restaurateurs have reacted to this growing dietary requirement. It’s great to see many restaurants taking this seriously and producing proper, reliable gluten free menu options. Product labelling is becoming clearer and supermarkets generally have a free-from aisle where gluten free versions of your usual diet staples can be found. Also, the key when looking to purchase Gluten Free foods is to look at the list of ingredients and be sure that it is still full of nutrients and wholefoods, not added refined sugars and fillers, to ensure you are providing nourishment for your body.
There are many foods that are naturally gluten free and our products are just that. We use only ingredients that are organic and from reputed and reliable producers. We want everyone to be able to enjoy our Macaroons and Bites, but especially those who don’t always find shopping for nourishing treats easy.
Our online recipe bank is almost entirely gluten free, with only spelt flour (an ancient grain) being used on the very odd occasion. Our brand NEW Nourishing Treats eBook is entirely GLUTEN FREE. With 10 gorgeously shot recipes from dairy free creamy cheesecake to rich and decadent tasting chocolate torte.