3 Lifestyle changes to improve your gut health
Studies have shown that it is not only dietary choices and changes we make that can influence the diversity and health of our microbiome (our gut bacteria). Lifestyle factors that make a huge impact on our gut health include, stress, sleep and exercise. One study found that increased length and improved quality of sleep positively improved the diversity of our gut bacteria. Further research reviews have shown that stress and exercise can also positively or negatively affect our gut too.
Our life in the ‘modern’ world can be exciting and filled with so many opportunities and things to entertain us. However, it can also drain us, demand a lot of us and often increase stress levels with all the pressures put on us or pressures we put on ourselves. So what are some simple steps we can implement to manage stress levels.
1. Spend time in green spaces.
2. Deep breathe. This may sound obvious but making appointments in your day and in times you feel overwhelmed can help shift us out of ‘flight and fight’ mode.
3. Take moments to be thankful. This may mean you don’t look at you phone whilst commuting or a screen while eating a meal. And/or starting a gratitude journal you jot in each day.
4. Communicate. Whether this is in talking with those around you, or seeing a therapist. Being able to communicate well and learning ways to manage your environment and your reaction to stress in your life is a skill that is never wasted
5. Schedule your time. Be meaningful about where you spend your time and keep to your task, this will make never ending lists manageable and also is likely to increase your efficiency in the jobs you do, whether at home or at work.
Restorative (good) sleep is another way of decreasing stress levels and is also linked to the health of your gut bacteria. Ensuring you get 7-8hrs a night and you feel rested when you wake up is key to good sleep. Here are a few ways to support good sleep.
1. Finish eating at least two hours before you go to bed (ideally three).
2. Get a good sleep routine. This means, going to bed at a similar time each evening and getting up at a similar time each morning. Before going to bed, avoid looking at any devices for at least 30-60 minutes. And if you need to, then wear blue light emitting glasses in the evening.
3. Sleep in a cool dark environment with good ventilation.
4. Take a good Magnesium glycinate supplement each evening.
5. If falling asleep is something you struggle to do, avoid alcohol in the evenings (or altogether) and caffeine after midday.
6. Have a journal next to your bed to jot down anything on your mind before you fall asleep.
7. Expose your eyes to the sun/light first thing in the morning rather than a screen.
Exercise is another way to help improve sleep quality as well as decrease stress levels. Not only that but it improves your gut health as well. Research has shown that exercising regularly can even decrease cancer rates and more (4) . Here are some tips for increasing your movement to positively improve gut health 1. Exercise in green spaces.
2. Take regular breaks whilst working to do 10 squats or star jumps.
3. Walk and talk with a friend or whilst in a meeting
4. Vary up your exercise to include strength training, walking and some cardio. Strength training and walking are two of the best forms of exercise.