Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon Rolls

These cinnamon rolls are a great recipe for picnics that will get little people into the kitchen and are great to take to a friends for a Sunday brunch. They also freeze well for a quick lunch/snack to take to work or school

Bread Ingredients

Water (boiled and room temperature)

1 heaped Dessert Spoon Honey (or you could use maple syrup/rice bran syrup)

2 1/2 tsp yeast

1/2 tsp salt

2 1/2 cups Organic spelt flour (I use Cook & Bake Store for my Organic grains)

Filling ingredients

70g Butter*

1/2 cup currants (or raisins/sultanas or a mixture)

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1 Tbsp cinnamon

4 Tbsp coconut sugar

Soften your butter in a pot and set aside

In a small bowl mix together your remaining dry filling ingredients

Bread method

Place 1/2 cup of boiling water in a medium size bowl. Mix in the heaped dessert spoon of Honey. Add in a further 1/2 cup of room temperature water. Stir and then sprinkle yeast on top.

Give a brief stir, remove the spoon and allow to sit for 10 minutes, the mixture will become frothy on top.

Add in your flour and salt, mix well together with a spoon and then knead the dough in the bowl for 2-3 minutes.

It should be a soft dough but not at all sticky or stick to the sides.

Set aside in your bowl and cover with a cloth. Rest the dough for a minimum of 30 minutes. it should double in size during this time.

Meanwhile prepare your filling.


Preheat your oven to 100C for 5 minutes and then turn it off

Remove your dough and place on a lightly floured surface. Roll into a large rectangle. (Or square if you prefer large cinnamon rolls). I usually roll into approx 40cm x 30cm.

One rolled out evenly, use a pastry brush to spread the softened butter over the whole surface of the dough.

Now take your dry filling ingredients and sprinkle over the dough, leave the top and bottom edges clear of the filling so that they can help seal the mixture in when you roll it together.

Starting at the bottom edge roll the dough fairly firmly to the top and then using a sharp knife cut into 2cm slices (as in the picture).

On a lined baking tray place your cinnamon rolls and place the tray in your warm oven.

Allow to rise for 30 minutes.

Turn the oven to 170C and cook for 18-20 minutes until cooked through.

If desired you can brush some honey over the top when you remove from the oven. Otherwise enjoy as is.


*You could try using a gluten free flour mix as well for a gluten free version and use coconut oil instead of butter.

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