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Top Ten Feel Better Moments

Kate Morgan


Top Ten Feel Better Moments.  Our Top 10 feel better moments are for when the world around you is whirling and swirling. If you’re spinning plates and juggling balls all the time it can be really hard to justify much time out of your day just for you.

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Spring dietary changes

Spring dietary changes


Eating Seasonal is a great way to approach each change of the season. As we head into longer sun lit days, our body and particularly digestive system looks for a change in foods. Additionally, when we eat what is in season, there are less travel miles involved and often more nutrients subsequently in the vegetables and fruits we consume.
setting up for your best nights sleep ever

setting up for your best nights sleep ever


Do you Spring out of bed, or slowly drag yourself out of bed. Do you have energy for the day or really have to motivate yourself for the day? Sleep is an essential part of good health, and yet so many of us (me included), put it down the list of priorities so often. Good restorative sleep is the key to great health and ensuring our body helps fight viruses, bacteria, and disease. Without good sleep inflammation can occur in the body. Sleep is essential for allowing the body to...
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How can we support our emotional health? Is it just hormone balance or more?


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7 ways you can show your body a little love this month

7 ways you can show your body a little love this month


February, the month of love, but are you forgetting the most important person you should show some affection to? You! Sometimes it's hard to find the time to really focus on yourself and your own needs, but with the days starting to lengthen a little and some green shoots appearing it's time to make some space for yourself in your daily routine. Here's 7 ways you can show your body a little love this month from a health and wellbeing perspective.
Why hibernation might be what you're looking for this winter.

Why hibernation might be what you're looking for this winter.


Have you found yourself mindfully slowing down this month, or perhaps you’ve had a yearning to and not managed it yet? With the excitement of December over, and the big bang of a New Year now behind us, we can feel a slump in energy and enthusiasm. So, how can we overcome this and be ready to burst forth in the spring?
